Welcome to Raising Money$mart Kids!

What do YOUR kids know about the value of a buck? If you're like most families, finances aren't often discussed. Some parents feel that talking about money makes their kids feel like they're poor. Others may not know where or when to start to help their kids learn about budgeting or business or banking.

Here at Raising Money$mart Kids, you will find articles on everything from setting up an allowance to running a lemonade stand to helping kids make better purchase decisions. You can ask questions get help from the community.

So, grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Top Money-Earning Ideas for Teens and Pre-teens

Part of teaching your kids about the value of money is to let them earn some. Many families allow their children to work outside the home running micro-businesses, doing everything from lawn care to babysitting. Here are some great ideas for kids to make their own money.

Teach Your Kids Financial Skills and Let Them Earn Money Doing It

Understanding money and finance is critical for children. Those who are not exposed to financial literacy when they are young grow up to be adults with poor budgeting and planning skills. A big part of teaching kids
about money is familiarizing them with how to earn it. Making money helps budding young entrepreneurs learn business skills that will be important to them later in life as they decide what they want to do when they grow up. Here are my picks for the best money-making opportunities for pre-teens:

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